Elevator Assembly – Section 09-01 to 09-08 – 12 hours

As predicted, this section appears to be more complicated. But so far, it is more fun. There are a bunch of individual steps to complete the elevator, and I will have to grind through all of them.

This section didn’t waste any time diving into deburring. In this case it was the elevator ribs. First they had to be cut into two pieces and then cleco’d together into the same approximate shape they were before I separated them.

Then it was using spray adhesive to attached a paper template to foam blocks. These needed to be cut out as per the template with the bandsaw and sanded smooth. These parts will eventually be the ribs for the elevator trim tab.

Removing the blue vinyl from the parts is always an oddly satisfying task.

Using some good old fashioned wood and clamps, a couple of tabs were bent 90deg from the skin.

Then the framework for the elevator was cleco’d together and attached to one half of the elevator skins. This is getting things ready to final drill all the holes, take it apart, and then go to deburr city.

Things sure are pretty when the shiny aluminum is all put together.

I then had to attach each half of a piano hinge to their respective spars and drill holes into the hinge matching the spar holes. This hinge is used to attach the trim tab to the elevator.

After the match drilling was complete, I half assembled the parts to see how things align with each other. So far so good.

The last thing before quitting time was to attach the Tip Rib Assemblies to each half of the elevator.


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